Virtual Yoga for Wellness, Healing, & Growth

Most people associate yoga with classes of fit people in leggings doing flexible poses. 

However, yoga is so much more than that. 

It’s an easy-to-implement lifestyle change to impact the mind and body for individuals with a wide range of fitness ability and mental health goals.


What is yoga and why does it matter?

Your body and brain are deeply connected. Yoga is a broad term for the practice of different elements including meditation, mindfulness, movement, breathing, and routine. These natural methods can help improve sleep, thinking, mood, and healing 1,2. 

Specifically for healing after trauma, yoga has been shown to be beneficial for improving daily life by improving emotional awareness and decreasing the body’s heightened fear response 1.


Get Started with Virtual Yoga Classes

Weekly guided group classes designed to calm your mind and body using a perspective grounded in mental health and trauma-informed care. No matter your ability level, participate from the comfort of your home in the context of an empathetic group.



Give yourself the gift of self-care through this 60-minute gentle, grounding, and mindful class. We will explore themes that focus on healing and how it relates to our body and mind through a series of yoga shapes, guided breathwork, and meditation. This class has an emphasis on energetic connection and is designed for beginners. Leaving you feeling balanced and in harmony, centered and aware.

(60 mins)



Elevate your bedtime routine in this 60 min restorative & relaxing sleep yoga class to help you find calm before you snooze, allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed & rejuvenated. Gentle floor-based poses encourage your body to let go of the day's stress & concludes with a guided grounding meditation to encourage a deeper state of relaxation and improve sleep quality. PJ's highly encouraged!

(60 mins)



Happy Friyay! Let go of your mind and get into your body to release the tension of the week in this 60-minute calming & stress-relieving class. Through a gentle and balanced flow, we will stretch & reduce tension held in our bodies. Designed for those new to Yoga, the sequences, shapes, and meditations are done at a slower pace with an emphasis on alignment and are similar each week to allow you to focus on slowing down the breath, the mind, and reconnecting with the body, leaving you feeling good!

(60 mins)


Pricing: $20

(FOR ALL Levels & Bodies)

We Offer “Gratitude” pricing" if the amount above is not affordable for you, send us an email (at least 12 hours before class begins) with “need gratitude class code” in the subject line, and we’ll send you details on how to access the class for free. We trust that you’ll only ask if you need to and that when you can pay, you will.


Wear what you want. Be in your home.

Work towards your goal of living a better life. 

  1. van der Kolk BA, Stone L, West J, et al. Yoga as an adjunctive treatment for post traumatic stress disorder: a randomized controlled trial. J Clin Psychiatry. 2014;75(6):e559-e565.  

  2. Rosenbaum S, Vancampfort D, Steel Z, Newby J, Ward PB, Stubbs B. Physical activity in the treatment of Post-traumatic stress disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychiatry Res. 2015 Dec 15;230(2):130-6. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2015.10.017. Epub 2015 Oct 20. PMID: 26500072.

Virtual Mindfulness Meditation & Breathwork to Achieve Stillness

Imagine taking the time to slow those racing thoughts to find peace in the present moment. When you’re busy, stressed, or overwhelmed, it's even more important to slow down and calm your mind. 

Keep in mind, practicing this skill when you’re not overly-stressed, makes it easier to remain balanced when tough memories or life circumstances try to knock you off course.


What is mindfulness meditation and breathwork and why does it matter?

Mindfulness meditation has many benefits including improving sleep, concentration, and mood. Be led through an experience that combines breathing with awareness of body and mind 1,2

Focusing on breathing is helpful for activating the parasympathetic nervous system to calm the mind and body without needing medications. It’s been shown to be an effective supplemental treatment option for conditions ranging from stress, anxiety, and depression 3.


Get Started with Our Virtual Meditation Class

Weekly guided classes designed to calm your mind and body using a perspective grounded in mental health and trauma-informed care. Participate from the comfort of your home.



Have you ever been stressed because of school, family, relationships, and all the other normal experiences we struggle with? If so, Mindfulness Meditation may be for you! In this 30-minute class, we will explore a variety of techniques to help you manage stress and anxiety. You will be introduced to and practice short periods of meditation, breathwork, and body-mind awareness strategies. for grounding Through mindfulness practices, you will noticeably become more aware of your experiences of kindness and of being calm and content.

(30 min)


Pricing: $20 

(FOR ALL Levels & Bodies)

We Offer “Gratitude” pricing" if the amount above is not affordable for you, send us an email (at least 12 hours before class begins) with “need gratitude class code” in the subject line, and we’ll send you details on how to access the class for free. We trust that you’ll only ask if you need to and that when you can pay, you will.


Make this time for yourself – and you don’t even need to leave your home.

  1. Marina A. Khusid, MD, ND, MSA, Meena Vythilingam, MD, The Emerging Role of Mindfulness Meditation as Effective Self-Management Strategy, Part 1: Clinical Implications for Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Anxiety, Military Medicine, Volume 181, Issue 9, September 2016, Pages 961–968, 

  2. Kim, S. H., Schneider, S. M., Bevans, M., Kravitz, L., Mermier, C., Qualls, C., & Burge, M. R. (2013). PTSD symptom reduction with mindfulness-based stretching and deep breathing exercise: randomized controlled clinical trial of efficacy. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 98(7), 2984–2992. 

  3. Ma, X., Yue, Z. Q., Gong, Z. Q., Zhang, H., Duan, N. Y., Shi, Y. T., Wei, G. X., & Li, Y. F. (2017). The Effect of Diaphragmatic Breathing on Attention, Negative Affect and Stress in Healthy Adults. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 874.